Does Coffee Dehydrate You?
The last two blogs ("How to Make Hydration A Habit" and "Are You Properly Hydrated") discussing hydration have led to a lot of great questions from clients. One of the most asked questions was regarding caffeinated coffee. “Does coffee dehydrate you?” was a question...
Text Neck
It’s October and almost Halloween. Wanna see something scary? Check your daily screen time average in the settings app of your phone. I will wait while you do. Did you check it? Promise? Or did you skip this step? The cool kids check it. Okay, okay I believe you that...
Healthy Grocery Shopping
Today, I’d like to share with you on how to keep healthy eating simple. It starts at the grocery store. In my opinion, one of the most important things we can do for our health and our bodies is to reduce and avoid processed foods. Our body’s health is essentially...
Don’t Let Schedule Change Knock Your Exercise Routine
This may come as no surprise, but over the years it has become clear to me that people’s healthy habits falter (and disappear) the most when there is a change in their schedule. There tends to be no bigger change in someones schedule than when we transition from...
How Long Does It Take To Form A Healthy Habit?
As we know, when it comes to our health our habits are everything. Our health is made up of the thousands of little decisions we make every week. Everybody has heard that it takes 21 days to form a habit. Unfortunately, this is simply not true. Just like most things...
Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D?
Most of us do not get enough daily Vitamin D. Few foods contain Vitamin D naturally and even fortified foods do not provide many adults with enough Vitamin D from their daily diets. Individuals that live in areas where there is little sun in the winter or overcast...
What Is Heart Rate Variability?
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is a measure of the variation in the intervals between heartbeats. Traditionally it was thought the time between heartbeats was at a constant state especially at rest. It has been discovered though, nothing could be further from the truth....
What Are The Benefits Of Infrared Heat?
Infrared saunas have increased in popularity as an important tool in overall health and wellness. What is all the sweat about? Below are 5 reasons to incorporate infrared heat into your conditioning program. Relaxation Relaxation is more important to health than most...
Sleep Better
We all know sleep is important. Every area of our life is affected by our sleep. Our physical health, emotional health, mood, appetite, energy, and stress level are some of the many things impacted by our sleep or lack there of. Our sleep is the foundation of our...