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The 4 Laws Of A Good Habit

We always start with the best intentions. How many times have we said “starting Monday I’m going to eat healthier” or “when my schedule slows down in [insert month] I’m going start exercising more”? It’s good to have good intentions but they only get you so far. Very...

3 Ways To Keep Healthy Eating Fun

When discussing healthy eating with clients I have noticed a lot of them have the assumption that eating healthy is boring. The truth is, it can be. But with a little effort it can also be adventurous, fun and good tasting. If you let healthy eating get boring, it is...

Text Neck

It’s October and almost Halloween. Wanna see something scary? Check your daily screen time average in the settings app of your phone. I will wait while you do. Did you check it? Promise? Or did you skip this step? The cool kids check it. Okay, okay I believe you that...

Healthy Grocery Shopping

Today, I’d like to share with you on how to keep healthy eating simple. It starts at the grocery store. In my opinion, one of the most important things we can do for our health and our bodies is to reduce and avoid processed foods. Our body’s health is essentially...

Don’t Let Schedule Change Knock Your Exercise Routine

This may come as no surprise, but over the years it has become clear to me that people’s healthy habits falter (and disappear) the most when there is a change in their schedule. There tends to be no bigger change in someones schedule than when we transition from...